Administrative List Creation Form

List and Owner Information

List Name:
  • Must be between 3 and 30 characters
  • Must only use letters, numbers, and/or a hyphen.
  • All letters must be lowercase.
  • No spaces.
List Name

List Title: A descriptive name for the list.
List Title

The list owner receives error messages, adds and deletes people from the list, and performs other list management functions.

Owner's E-Mail

Listserv administrative password that has access to create lists.
Password to Create List


By Owner (Closed) Owner controls who may subscribe
Open,confirm allows anyone to subscribe but requires confirmation to block fradulent e-mail addresses

Yes owners receive notification of new subscriptions and deletions
No owners are not notified

The send keyword determines who can send mail to a list.
Public anyone can send mail 
Private only list subscribers can send mail
Owner is the only one who can post messages
Editor(s) are the only ones who can post messages

If you have chosen editor above, please indicate the editor's e-mail address(es)
Editor Email addresses (comma separated, 90 character limit)

List everybody on the list gets a copy
Sender only gets a copy

Ack stands for "acknowledgement." If Ack=Yes, then every time someone posts to the list, the LISTSERV software will send a short message to the poster indicating that the message was successfully distributed. If Ack=No, then LISTSERV notifies the sender only if the posting fails.
Yes LISTSERV sends confirmation message to sender
No confirmation is not sent