
Review= Private

Only the members of the list can see the list of members

Subscription= Open, confirm

Anyone can subscribe by sending email to with the contents SUB LISTNAME your name, but the subscription request will be confirmed by email to the origin address before it is accepted.

Send= Private

Only subscribers can post to the list.

Reply-to= List, Ignore

When reading a posting, if you reply the mail will go to the list address and thus all subscribers.

Notify= No

Don’t notify the owner of new subscriptions/deletions

Files= No

Don’t allow distribution of files, but enclosures are OK..

Auto-Delete= Yes, Full-Auto

Automatically remove subscribers with repeatedly failing email addresses.

Notebook= Yes,D:\LISTS\PRIVATE, Weekly, Private

Maintain archives that are accessible only by email from list subscribers.

Validate= No

The owner need not confirm every command

Ack= No

Don’t send an acknowledgment email for every posting

Confidential= No

Don’t hide the list from the list-of-lists

Stats= Normal, Owner

Let the owner see summary usage statistics

Errors-To= Owner

Sends any errors to the owner by email.

Default-options= Repro

Set the default behavior for new subscribers to be to send them a copy of their own postings to confirm distribution.


Email address of the main owner


Email address of an alternate owner

Owner= QUIET:

All remaining owners are fully empowered, but do not receive routine administrative postings.